Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Ultimate Protein Shake

I have seen a million protein shake recipes. This one has the best ingredients. This also could be modified quite easily. Add frozen fruit, nuts etc.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Nutrition Controversies in Video

Here are some very interesting videos on nutrition that I have really enjoyed.

This video is about the discoveries of the Weston Price Foundation, which I whole-heartedly agree with. Basically we must become puritans with our food choices. I'm not even against meat or animal products, I think we need to eat foods in their whole, unprocessed state.

I think it's important to note the end where she discusses the purity of our food. Don't eat rancid oils or pesticide laden fruits and vegetables. Every diet I have ever researched talks about eating different percentages of macronutrients and neglects to point out the elephant in the room: purity matters. Whole foods matter!

Nourishment is our BIRTHRIGHT.

Here is a video about Magnesium Deficiency.  
Note that the "anti-depresents" cause depression and imbalance!

This video has three pro's battleing it out. Is fat good or bad? Nobody knows for sure. I think Weston Price did though. He called fresh, organic fats from healthy sources the "X" factor to vitamin and mineral obsorption. Like I said before, whole foods is the key.

All of these experts are right in at least one area: reduce refined foods. Obesity and disease is caused by imbalance. Eating refined foods is the same as eating extracts of foods, not whole foods. I don't care if you eat animal products either, you can avoid animal cruelty by eating healthy free-range animals, and in moderation. Eat a variety of WHOLE FOODS in a pure, natural and HEALTHY state and you will find more balance in your life. Amoungst WHOLE FOODS eat WHAT YOU CRAVE. Your body is uniquely hungry for specific nourishment. We are creatures of sense for a reason, we feel and crave and enjoy those things that ensure optimal living. If you exercise alot, eat more complex carbs if you crave them. Never surpress your bodies cry for nourishment. But when you eat outside of nature, those sensors are tricked. So eat what you crave amoungst whole foods.